8 Awesome Tips For Your Virtual Audition Callback

8 Awesome Tips For Your Virtual Audition Callback
Getting a virtual audition callback is super exciting. Through a quick Zoom meeting, you will be performing your audition scene with the casting director in the presence of a decision maker – possibly a director, or a producer. Although it may seem easy to attend your callback from home, you need to be extra prepared. After all, it is not just about you being ready. You also need to make sure your technical setup is good to go.
With that in mind, we are listing here 8 awesome tips for your virtual callback so you can book the role!
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Set it up in a well-lit room.
Make sure to set up your end of the virtual audition callback in a well-lit room. Alternatively, use a light ring so your face is not in the shade.
Good light is everything. It can make or break your audition. The ideal position of your camera laptop is in front of a window you can face. Natural daylight is typically the most flattering on anyone.
If that is not an option for you, or your callback is in the evening, use artificial light. A light ring is great, and it can be attached to your computer.
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Use a solid color wall or backdrop.
A soft and solid color wall is the perfect background. Actors’ preferred hues vary from white to blue and grey. But any color is fine, as long as it is not too bright.
In the absence of an unfurnished wall, you can put up a backdrop (like the ones we recommend here). But avoid green, because it is an unflattering color. Green backdrops were created for adding graphics and special effects, including virtual backgrounds. They are not meant to be used as audition props.
Most importantly, avoid at all costs showing a messy background. That is not just distracting, it is unprofessional. If you must have your audition meeting in a room where the background is visible, make sure to tidy up!
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Check your internet speed.
Ideally, you should have a fast and reliable internet connection for your virtual callback. But we get it. That is not always possible. Depending on your budget or even the area where you live, your available internet may be slower than ideal.
But if your speed is good enough to hold up through a Zoom meeting, make sure to turn off any devices you will not need for the callback. That way you can use the bandwidth while keeping the signal stable.
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Use a quiet room and test your microphone.
Background noise is not always inevitable. But depending on the level, it can cause distractions and interruptions. Make sure you use the quietest room in your house for your virtual callback. And test the noise level of your air conditioning. On the same token, don’t start your washing machine right before the audition to avoid white noise in the background.
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Keep your look understated for your virtual audition callback.
Wear solid colors, simple hair, and minimal makeup. Solid colors are easy to wear and less distracting than patterns. There is a consensus that blue is a flattering color for anyone. But you should wear what you think is best for you and the specific role.
Hair and make-up must be simple. They want to see the real you. Of course, you want your hair and makeup to be flattering and professional. But don’t overdo it, unless there are specific instructions stating otherwise.
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Check yourself on your webcam.
This is a tip that actors frequently overlook. Your image is everything, especially on audition days. And your webcam may show a slightly different image of you (paler or with uneven skin tone) than you see in the mirror. For that reason, turning on your webcam for a light check is an important step before your virtual audition callback.
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Have your audition link ready.
Even if everything else has been checked, don’t leave until the last minute to find the email with your Zoom link. Make sure you have any passwords saved ahead of time with the link. You should make sure you have the Zoom link as soon as your virtual callback is confirmed. If you don’t, contact casting or your agent so they can send it to you. The last thing you need is to be late because you don’t have your meeting link.
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Be ready at least 15 minutes early for your virtual audition callback.
You want to be early, just in case. 15 minutes may seem like a very long time, but if anything goes wrong or you forget something, there is time to fix it. Use those minutes before the audition to relax, focus, and run your lines one more time.
Have a great virtual audition callback!
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